2011년 11월 2일 수요일
조각보 Jogakbo - traditional boudoir craft exhibit
필리핀 조각보 전시회가 내일 오픈됩니다. 네이버 전통규방공예동호회인 쌈지사랑규방공예연구소가 공식적으로 미국,일본에 이어 세번째 해외전시회를 가지게 되었습니다. 그 동안 한땀의 정성으로 회원분들이 기증을 위하여 만들어 주신 예쁜조각 책갈피 선물도 가져 갑니다. 더 넓은 세상에 우리의 아름다운 조각보를 널리 할리는데 많은 협조와 관심 바랍니다. (해외 계시는 분들의 용기있는 조각보 전시회 프로젝트 진행 협조도 구합니다)
전시회 기간중 전통매듭과 미니복주머니만들기 문화체험도 세분의 회원과 함께 가서 진행하게 됩니다.
The Korean Cultural Center in the Philippines will be launching the Jogakbo exhibit on November 4 at the exhibition area of the Center. The artists, from the Ssamzisarang Boudoir Craft Research Center from the Republic of Korea, will also be holding special two-day classes for Korean traditional knotting on November 4 and 5.
Jogakbo generally refers to the Korean traditional patchwork and is an expression of the Korean women’s sense of beauty and creativity. Having been passed down from generations for six centuries, this craft has been used mainly to create various household items and are usually sourced from leftover clothes.
These boudoir craft varies on the shapes (speckled design, or oblique lines), linings (single or double-layered), color (natural dye, embroidered), type (silk, hemp, ramie, cotton) and function (daily usage, special occasions).
Historically, these patchworks were used for daily practical uses, wedding gifts as well as household decorations. The use of jogakbo in modern times has been widespread and is generally used for designs of everyday accessories such as bags, pouches, bookmarks and breastpins.
Joining the opening ceremony are Ssamzisarang artists Young-sun Kim, Young-ju Lee, Mi-ae Park and Jae-gu Ha.
The Ssamzisarang Korean Boudoir Craft Research Center is an internet-based community for people who love Korean traditional patchwork. It started as a cyber community nine years ago and has grown into an organization that teaches and learns skills on Jogakbo, Korean traditional knots, embroidery and Korean natural dyeing.
For more information, please contact the Korean Cultural Center at 555-1711 or email your questions to kccphil@gmail.com. You can also visit Korean Cultural Center’s official website at http://phil.korean-culture.org.
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